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Thank you for considering becoming a volunteer at La Entrada School.
The following are some frequently asked questions:
What are the requirements of a volunteer?
  • You must have a genuine concern for and interest in children and the school.
  • Each assignment will have its own tasks.  Staff will be there to make sure you understand what to do.
  • You must be dependable and able to work cooperatively with a staff member, and follow their directions.
  • Please review the Project Cornerstone Parent Volunteer Policies. See attached.
  • Parent Volunteers for overnight trips are required to be fingerprinted using Live Scan process.  Please contact Cindy Hellman at the District Office for a finger printing appointment (854-6311 ext# 31 or ).
  • All parent volunteers who participate in regular volunteer support are required to submit a Tuberculosis Clearance.  See the attached directions.
What if I am ill or unable to come?
It is critical you email or call the teacher's mailbox and leave a voice mail by 8:30 a.m. to alert them you will not be there.  The phone number is 650-854-3962.
What should I do if I have questions or problems relating to my volunteer assignment?
You should make an appointment to discuss your concerns with the staff member you are working with.
What are the requirements for field trip volunteering?
  • Parent Drivers for field trips are required to complete the Field Trip Driver Form.  See attached form.
  • Parent Volunteers for overnight trips are required to be fingerprinted using Live Scan process.  Please contact Cindy Hellman at the District Office for a finger printing appointment (854-6311 ext# 31 or ).
What should I do in case of emergency?
You should read and become familiar with our safety drill procedures.  Charts are posted in every classroom showing evacuation routes in case of fire, earthquake or other disaster.  We are well prepared and you will feel more comfortable with a general idea of our procedures.  Each teacher has a buddy teacher that will be helping in case that teacher is injured.
Please feel free to ask your supervising teacher, other staff members, the office staff and the principal when other questions and concerns arise.
La Entrada Volunteer Guidelines
The La Entrada School Volunteer Program is at all times guided by the principles and policies of the California State Board of Education and the Principal of the school.
School personnel are mandated by State Law to keep all information about students absolutely confidential.  As a volunteer, you work under this mandate.
                  If you have concerns about a child, report your concern to the
                  teacher and/or principal; do not contact the student’s family.
                  Never discuss a child and/or his/her problems outside of the school.
If a parent calls to ask you about the classroom/school program or share a problem he/she feel the child is experiencing, do not comment; advise the parent to call the teacher and/or the principal to discuss their concerns.
Any volunteer who fails to adhere to these guidelines of confidentiality will, unfortunately, have to leave their position.
For insurance reasons we are not allowed to have younger siblings attend in-class activities.  In order for you to be able to stay for a classroom party or activity you must make sure your younger child is by your side the entire time.  He/she is your full responsibility.  Younger siblings are not permitted to accompany you on field trips.
Please help us continue to make La Entrada a campus where parents and professionals continue to work in an open collaborative environment for the betterment of our children.