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District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC) Parent Members Needed  
Parents of English Learners and/or Re-designated English Learners, you are invited to be part of the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC).  
Here is some more information about the committee:
What is DELAC?
The District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC) advises the Governing Board on programs and services for English Learners.  The committee consists of Administrators, Teachers, and Parents. This committee advises on the Local Accountability Plan (LCAP) and the English Learner Master Plan.
What does DELAC do and how often does it meet?
This committee meets six times a year to review and monitor programs that affect our English Language Learners.  Committee members'  responsibilities include:  assisting in developing school plans for English Learners, conducting an annual needs assessment and preparing an annual language census advising the District regarding redesignation procedures.  This committee also is responsible for organizing the annual Redesignation Ceremony for those students who have "graduated" out of the ELD program.  This is an excellent opportunity for parents of students who are English Learners to learn about the American public school system and meet other parents and school staff in a leadership capacity on campus.