Admin Staff
Bjorn Wickstrom, Principal
(650) 854-3962, x3304
Tish Whiteley, Assistant Principal
(650) 854-3962, x3305
Adrienne Philippe, Assistant Principal
(650) 854-3962, x3306
Jennifer Montalvo, School Counselor
(works with students in grades 4 & 5 & half of the sixth-grade class)
(650) 854-3962, x3140
Vivian Tavernakis, School Counselor
(works with half of our sixth-grade class & students in grades 7 & 8)
(650) 854-3962, x3140
Julia De Saram, School Nurse
(650) 854-3962
Zee Ahmad, Administrative Assistant
(650) 854-3962, x3301
Kristine Tveten, School Office Assistant
(650) 854-3962, x3302